Trivia in China
On Saturday night I was invited by some of my schoolmates - Matt, Joseph and Greg - to attend an evening of trivia at the only expat restaurant in Shijiazhuang - Christ's Church. Owned by a Belgium guy, this place apparently, only make money on Saturday nights when the 30 or so foreigners in town gather for some mindless fun. Besides me and my fellow Chinese language learners, there are a gaggle of English teachers in town. None of them speak any Chinese. Yours truly speaks more Chinese than they do, and I've only been here for 2 months.
At any rate, the game got underway at about 9:00pm. The first question - Name 5 Bond films staring Roger Moore. Where was Mel when I needed her most!
We didn't win - probably got 5th place out of 5 teams. But we had fun.