Keep Pluggin' and Chuggin'
I'm happy to report back to blogging duty from my new computer . . . after many hours of tending to my ailing laptop, I caved and ordered a desktop last Sunday. Thanks to the lagging economy, the stork arrived yesterday and all pieces seemed to fit together and are working . . . keep your fingers crossed. I hope to get all of my photos and music transferred over this week.
This week marks the end of 48 chemo treatments and 16 "rounds of chemo" . . . 4 week cycles with 3 treatments per cycle and one "off" week. The last conversation B and I had with Devlin confirmed that as my regimen continues to work, the results will be less impressive and it will take a whole lot more chemo to make the tumors shrink and the cancer to stay away from where it's already been. It was hard for me to accept that during the first 8 months of treatment, all but 13 mm of tumor were annihilated and now during the last 6 months only 6mm have been knocked off leaving me with the current 7mm tumor on my liver, but that's how it goes.
We will continue to move in a 3 month pattern . . . from CT scan to CT scan. The plan will be to stick to my chemo regimen . . . same drugs, same dosages until the next set of scans in October and then reevaluate.
On other news, B and I will be leaving sometime in late July/early August for Israel to see his family and friends. We are counting on modern medicine and the preciseness of the Mendelsohn family for his sister Inbal to deliver her first child whom we have nicknamed "Chubby" within a 48 hour window around her due date on August 5. This is the first Mendelsohn grandchild in over 15 years so all are anxiously awaiting his arrival!